It’s a funny thing, isn’t it—hair is often envied by people who are losing theirs, yet those who enjoy a full thick head of it are many times nonchalant in the way that they take care of theirs. Sure, those who don’t have to worry about hair loss may wash, comb and style their hair, but when it comes down to proper and pristine hair maintenance, many people don’t really go above and beyond to preserve their beautiful locks.
Want to learn a few of the secrets to amazing and sustainable hair care? Check out this great list of tips on how to execute proper hair care in Greensboro, NC:
Find the right shampoo: Washing your hair is priority number one in maintaining its composition. Many people wash their hair daily, which is great—but what exactly are you washing your hair with and how is that shampoo affecting your locks in the long term? Avoid sulfates or parabens, which are proven to deteriorate hair over time and can cause scalp irritation that can affect follicles directly. It’s also a good idea to find a shampoo that’s formulated for your specific type of hair—if you have frizzy hair or oily hair, look for a shampoo that addresses these issues.
Condition your hair: Many people actively condition their hair when washing it, however there’s still a good number of people who are oblivious to the benefits of a good conditioner. Conditioners can repair damaged hair, protect against fraying or splitting hair and rejuvenate hair that’s been overly treated. The best way to utilize conditioner during your regimen of proper hair care in Greensboro, NC is to lather it in, leave it to sit for several minutes and then wash it out completely. Avoid protein-rich conditioners and those that leave your hair feeling oily after it’s washed.
Cut down on your brushing: Brushing your hair is a great way to style it and alleviate any tangles or knots that may have formed while you were washing it. However, excessive brushing can actually re-damage your hair! Frizz and split ends are common in over-brushing.
Dry it naturally: When you’re running late for work and don’t have the luxury of letting your hair try naturally, the convenient solution is to blow dry your hair—however, blow-drying can quickly damage your hair, as it’s not conditioned to suppress heat damage. If you have to blow dry, use the lowest heat setting. If possible, always let your hair dry naturally.
Trim away split ends: You may not be due for a haircut, but if you’re dedicated to proper hair care in Greensboro, NC, you should understand the importance of giving your split ends a trim every once in a while. The best way to get rid of split ends is to trim about 1/4 of an inch off of your hair every few months.
Style naturally: If possible, style your hair naturally, instead of pumping a bunch of product into it. Using sprays, gels and other products can seriously damage your hair—especially when combined with straightening methods, crimping or braiding. Let your locks flow naturally!
For more tips on proper hair care in Greensboro, NC, speak to a professional at Raveen Hair Replacement today!