Few people ever want to actually admit that they’re beginning to lose their hair, but the unfortunate reality is that this is just a part of life for many people as they go through the natural aging process. The majority of men will experience some degree of male pattern baldness at some point in their lives—the extent of that baldness and when it begins is primarily based on genetics. The vast majority of men will also admit this is something they’re concerned about happening to them at some point, yet relatively few men actually take preventative action to keep their hair longer. And the longer you wait to take these steps, the harder it becomes to actually keep your hair healthy.
So how do you know when you’re starting to lose your hair so you can adjust your hair care in Greensboro, NC? Here are some signs to watch for:
- You see hair starting to fall out: This may seem rather obvious, but the easiest way to determine if you’re starting to lose your hair is if you can actually see the hair falling out. Excessive shedding is one of the biggest signs of hair loss. You shouldn’t necessarily worry about a few hairs falling out here and there—the average person loses up to 100 strands of hair in a given day. However, if you’re leaving a lot of hair behind in the shower or on your combs and brushes, this may be a sign you need some special hair treatment.
- Your hairline is receding: Receding hairlines are another common sign of potential balding. Despite the common misconception that this is inevitable, there actually is something you can do about it. You may notice hair thinning around your temples or that when you comb your hair it doesn’t style the way you want it to or the way it used to. There are hair treatments you can undergo to bring your hair back to its thick, full self.
- You’re itching a lot: An itchy scalp can occasionally be a sign of hair loss, though it can also commonly be linked to conditions such as dermatitis or psoriasis. An excessive rubbing or brushing of your scalp can cause some significant damage to your hair follicles, so rather than scratching your head all day long, see a doctor to determine if there’s anything you can do to resolve the issue before it results in baldness.
- You can see your scalp: If you can see your scalp in places where you previously could not, that’s a sign that you’ve lost and are going to continue to lose some hair. You may previously have been able to style your hair without seeing skin, for example, but that might no longer be the case. You might also notice your scalp getting sunburned when it never used to before.
These are just a few examples of some of the most common early signs of hair loss. Again, there are steps you can take to prevent the matter from getting out of control. For more information about your best options for hair care in Greensboro, NC, we encourage you to contact the team at Raveen Hair Replacement today with any questions you have and we’ll be happy to provide you with more information about our treatments to help address and prevent baldness.