Baldness usually happens over time. As you age, your hair begins to fall out gradually. The pattern continues to increase with age. Your genetics are typically the top factor that determines your degree of hair loss as you approach your senior years. However, other factors can be at play. Our hair care service in Greensboro, NC also serves clients who have suffered from more drastic, sudden hair loss.
Why does this happen? Many wonder—was it something I ate? In fact, it might be. Your diet patterns can directly impact hair growth and hair loss. Here’s how your diet can affect your follicles.
Poor Diet
Most of us know the importance of getting the right nutrients in our diet. It’s essential for a healthy heart, good muscle tone and other basic body functions. However, many don’t realize their diet also affects their hair growth—and hair loss. If your body does not get the vitamins and minerals it needs, you may lose hair. Protein in particular is important to maintain healthy hair. A lack of this nutrient can prevent the growth of new hair follicles.
Weight Loss
Have you recently taken up a drastic diet to quickly lose weight? Weight loss can cause a shock to your system that results in telogen effluvium. The sudden weight loss puts stress on your system that causes hair follicles to enter a resting phase, and your hair sheds without replacement.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders can result in hair loss due to excess shedding. This is caused by factors previously mentioned. Eating disorders prevent you from obtaining the nutrients your body needs for healthy functioning. This lack of nutrients prevents proper hair growth. The stress that the disorders put on the body can also cause telogen effluvium. Your body limits the amount of energy given to hair growth as it diverts the limited resources elsewhere.
Healthy Diet
When you maintain a healthy diet, you can expect to shed between 50 and 100 hairs a day, but you will not experience growing baldness or thin hair because your body produces the same amount of new hair. As you provide the nutrients and balanced lifestyle necessary for this growth, you will prevent sudden hair loss due to eating patterns.
Medical Conditions
Certain medical conditions may affect your body’s metabolism, your diet or other physical aspects that can cause hair loss. Diabetes, thyroid disorders and lupus are some of the most common conditions that can result in hair loss. Medications and surgery may also cause premature baldness.
Learn More
Are you experiencing sudden hair loss? Do you suspect your diet is the culprit? Contact a trusted hair care service in Greensboro, NC today. The experts at Raveen Hair Replacement can answer any questions you have and make the appropriate recommendations for your hair restoration. We specialize in hair replacement for men and women. Our non-surgical and non-invasive hair replacement and hair loss treatment procedures are ideal solutions for your hair loss. Reach out to us today for a free private consultation.