Myths and rumors about hair replacement and treatment in Greensboro, NC often chase away people who can benefit from them. Many consultations involve answering questions that arise not due to facts about hair replacement, but due to misperceptions. Here are the frequent inquiries we receive and the answers that will likely give you peace of mind and confidence in our services.
Will hair restoration work for women?
There is a common belief that hair restoration is a men-only service that is not effective for women. However, our female clients would disagree! While women face hair loss for different reasons and come with their own challenges for restoration, that does not make the procedure impossible.
Many treatments work well for women, and we likely have an option appropriate for your situation. Now that the industry is better educated on female pattern baldness and other causes of female hair loss, this allows us to help more women enjoy a thick head of hair once again.
I am 53 years old. Am I too old for hair restoration?
Another perception that refuses to die is that once you hit 40, it is too late to pursue hair restoration. However, this is not based in hair treatment science. Starting restoration at the first signs of hair loss is not always effective. You need to lose a certain amount before the treatment works. So, if you do not see the signs of hair loss until your early 50s, you likely are seeing us at just the right time.
Those who start hair restoration at a younger age often find they require more invasive hair replacement later. So do not panic at age 30 because you notice thinness or see more hair in the drain. Sometimes, the loss slows down and is not even noticeable until after 40. That is a better time to pursue treatment.
Will this look natural, or will everyone know I had hair treatment?
Our techniques work with natural growth and your remaining hair. The visual discrepancies that come with plugs or artificial rolls are not there.
We hire experienced hair technicians who can restore your hair within its natural patterns. Your hair restoration will not be distinguishable from the natural appearance of your hair before you lost it. Someone would have to look very closely, or you would have to tell them before they discovered your secret!
Am I delaying the inevitable? Won’t my hair just fall out anyway?
There is shedding after hair restoration, so if you find more hair in your drain or brush, do not panic. Once the new hair becomes a permanent part of your scalp, it will look and behave like natural hair, which includes minimal shedding.
Depending on your condition, you may require several treatments, including regular follow-ups in the future. This is discussed at your initial consultation so you know what to expect and can make an informed decision. In any case, you will have more hair after treatment than you did before you started.
Will this hurt?
Non-surgical methods are not painful. There are surgical methods that require a local anesthesia. Many people have sensitive heads and the industry learned to accommodate this. The result is options that do not produce pain, and more people enjoying their new hair. Pain is no longer a consideration when you seek this treatment.
Raveen Hair Replacement looks forward to helping you with hair replacement and treatment in Greensboro, NC. Call us today to schedule a consultation.