Hair loss may seem like an issue that only effects men. But many women suffer from the same plight. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, more than forty percent of women experience some sort of hair loss by the time they are 40-years-old.
Unfortunately, hair loss is considered to be much more acceptable on a male. Female hair loss can take a huge toll on your emotions and perception of yourself. The social stigma can keep women from ever seeking professional help for the issue. Only 800,000 of the more than 30 million women experiencing hair loss will ever seek treatment for hair loss restoration in Greensboro, NC!
Here are a few of the many effects hair loss can have on a woman physically, mentally and emotionally:
Low self-esteem
A significant loss of hair can completely change someone’s appearance. Feeling confident in your physical appearance is key to a high self-esteem. But hair loss can cause women to be ashamed of their looks, which leads to low self-esteem and decreased confidence levels.
Negative effects on social life
Hair plays a larger role in our social lives than it may seem. Chances are that when you meet a new person one of the first things you will notice is their hair. The emphasis on hair is even more evident for females. Styling of the hair is an age-old way for women to express their personality. It also plays a huge role in social engagements where women would usually dedicate the time to curl their hair or put it in an elaborate up-do. Those affected by female hair loss quickly become aware of how important hair is in a social life. Hair loss may also cause the person to limit their social activities and to even stop going out.
Loss of personal attractiveness
Women are known for spending both time and money on changing the color and style of their hair to make it look its best. A cute cut and vibrant color are often synonymous with looking young and attractive. As a result, losing hair can be an incredibly traumatic experience. For balding women, it is especially hard to still feel attractive in a society that places a high priority on looking beautiful.
Hair loss can be incredibly embarrassing. Many women spend their days trying to conceal the effects of hair loss with hats, hair products different hairstyles instead of actually enjoying life. They may also find themselves hesitant to talk about what they are experiencing due to the social stigma surrounding hair loss restoration in Greensboro, NC.
Feelings of depression and introversion
Some women may experience high levels of anxiety or bouts of depression as a result of hair loss. Losing your hair can cause feelings of hopelessness or a lack of control in life. These feelings can be detrimental to your emotional wellbeing if they go untreated.
Teasing a person suffering from hair loss is like kicking a horse when it’s down. Unfortunately, most people do not realize the effects their harsh words can have. Negative comments, jokes or teasing can cause additional feelings of shame or embarrassment.