No two people are the same. Some have full heads of luscious, thick hair, while others aren’t quite as fortunate. Many wonder why their head of hair is thinning in Greensboro, NC and if there is any way to stop or slow down the process.
Your unique biology
When discussing what causes heads of hair to thin in Greensboro, NC, one has to consider their own genetics, age and other biological factors. Whether you are a man or a woman, you want to observe or ask your family members about their history with hair thinning and baldness. Usually, you can trace the lineage of your thinning hair issues to your family.
Sometimes genetics and hormones work against us despite our best efforts. For example, a body’s sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone may increase a man’s likelihood of experiencing male pattern baldness.
This condition results in the total loss of hair, both on the head and all over the body. However, an early warning sign of alopecia is thinning hair. Different types of alopecia have varying effects and treatments. For instance, frontal fibrosing alopecia, which occurs most often in postmenopausal women, can be treated with medication to slow down the hair thinning process if diagnosed early enough.
Underactive or overactive thyroid
When your thyroid isn’t correctly making hormones, this can cause hair thinning and loss. If your body is producing too many hormones or not enough, this affects the development of hair at the root. Without strong follicles, your hair cannot grow, which leads to noticeable thinning. If your family has a history of thyroid issues, you’ll want to discuss the concern with an endocrinologist.
Believe it or not, your day-to-day routine might be the reason you’re trying to figure out what causes heads of hair to thin in Greensboro, NC. One of the most important lifestyle factors that might be the reason your hair is thinning is stress.
When you’re experiencing stress that leads to hair loss, this condition is called acute telogen effluvium. Stress caused by everything from work to illness is enough to trigger acute telogen effluvium in any man or woman. The sooner you and your doctor diagnose this issue, the sooner you can treat the problem and make a full recovery.
The other lifestyle factor that can increase hair thinning is your diet. If you are not taking in enough protein or calories, you can create a micronutrient deficiency. This makes it nearly impossible to grow and maintain your hair.
Low levels of other vital nutrients may also be the culprit for your hair thinning. If your body is not getting enough iron, vitamin D or vitamin B12, you may see hair loss and thinning. Women, in particular, should monitor their iron levels, as this has a profound effect on their hair.
So many people question why their head of hair is thinning in Greensboro, NC and beyond. Hair loss and thinning happen to all types of people regardless of age, gender, race or nationality.
Thankfully you don’t have to suffer through this trying experience. Raveen Hair Replacement is ready to help you restore fullness to your hair. Contact us today to discuss your hair replacement options.